"The Holistic Approach: From Building to Sustenable Urban Design"
Thursday, June 8th 2017
Session I
1. Horaţiu BAȘA - TESTO solutions for indoor comfort in sustainable buildings
2. Florin CETĂȚEANU - The use of the individual boilers A sustainable solution for the urban,rural areas
Session II
3. Ioan Silviu DOBOȘI - Exemplary building in Belgium; study case of Ecole de Trefles in Anderlecht
4. Dorin ȘALAMAC - Ventilation system with heat recovery for schools
5. Mihaela GEORGESCU - Complex and multicriteria refurbishment of dwellings. Proposals for integrated design of the dwellings and the city
6. Dan MORARU - Why to use BIM for the energy performance of buildings
7. Stefan FLOREA - Civil professional responsibility threats or opportunities
Session III
8. Florin ENACHE - Responsibility for the built environment
9. Dănuț CARAGAȚĂ - Residential&commercial systems for controlled ventilation
10. Nicolae IORDAN - Rain water between urbanization, comfort and concern for the nature Discussions
Session IV
11. Cristina STĂNIȘTEANU - The new EPBD standards package
Friday, June 9th 2017
Session V
I. Horizon 2020
II. Technical and economic analysis of a GSHP industrial type application
III. Geothermal energy and heat pumps in support of energy efficient centralized heating and cooling
IV. Implementation and monitoring of geothermal energy solutions at the TERMOLINE Research Center
V. Multi-Standalone Integrated Thermal Energy Distribution System
VI. COALESCCE - Increasing the capacity to approach the concept of Energy Community
VII. Utilization of geothermal resources for the heating of the Emergency Clinical Hospital Agrippa Ionescu
"Strategies of Professional Associations and Public Institutions for Implementation of EU Directives (EPBD, RES, EED...)"
Thursday, June 2nd 2016
Session I
1. Prof.PhD.eng. Iolanda COLDA - Standardisation Activities in Relation to Indoor Environmental Quality and EPBD
Session II
2. PhD.eng. Andy LEWRY - A study of the features of air conditioning energy consumption in UK commercial buildings
3. Prof.eng. Francesca Romana D’AMBROSIO - AiCARR contribution to Implementation of EU Directives support the technical instrumentation of national laws, standards and formation
4. Prof.PhD.eng. Robert GAVRILIUC - First data base with ground source heat pumps in Romania
5. Prof.PhD.eng. Robert GAVRILIUC - Cheap and efficient application of reliable ground source heat exchangers and pumps–new horizon 2020 research project
Session III
6. BSc (Eng), MA, Dip Eng Alan FOGARTY - Overview of UK Building Regulations with a focus on energy Performance
7. Prof.PhD.arch. Ana-Maria DABIJA - A critical view of thermal rehabilitation of dwelling units in Romania
8. Prof.assoc.PhD.eng. Cătălin LUNGU - An innovative HVAC system using an integrated green house for indoor ventilation (TaLISMaN project)
9. PhD.eng. Gilles NOTTON - Building Integrated Solar Thermal Systems; Presentation and Zoom on the Solar Potential
10. Louis BOISGIBAULT - How the EU will benefit from COP21?
Firday, June 3rd 2016
Session V
11. PhD.eng. Andy LEWRY - Ecoshopping: energy efficient & cost competitive retrofitting solutions for retail buildings – a review of best practice
12. PhD.eng. Ioan-Silviu DOBOȘI - Rehabilitation of the Utility Spaces and Boiler Room Monnaie Royal Theatre, Brussels, Belgium
13. PhD.eng. Ioan-Silviu DOBOȘI - REHVA
14. Serban DANCIU - The increase of the energy performance of the existing building stock, a major target of the Romanian energy strategy
15. Denys VOLCHOK - Analysis of rod systems under undefined load
Session VI
16. Eng. Adriana MILANDRU - Promotion of smart and integrated NZEB renovation measures in the European renovation market (NEZER project) - feasibility of nearly-zero-energy-buildingrenovation (NEZBR) over traditional renovation
17. PhD student Andrei BEJAN - Numerical analysis of the impact of Phase Changing Materials on operative temperature
18. PhD. eng. Daniela TEODORESCU - Optimising hydraulic installation for an existing swimming pool
19. PhD.eng. Galina PRICA - Designing of an efficient geothermal system for heating and cooling a building
20. Prof.assoc.PhD.eng. Ilinca NASTASE - Experimental study of an innovative perforated pannel for integration in the air diffusion terminal units of operating rooms
22. Arch. Lavinia GRĂDIŞTEANU - The latest uses of aerogel
23. Marian-Andrei ISTRATE - Indoor air temperature in two classrooms before and after a thermal rehabilitation
24. Monica ARDELEANU - What are the key enablers and barriers to investment in the energy performance of buildings
25. Prof.assoc.PhD.eng. Tiberiu CATALINA - Noise propagation analysis in an office building using numerical simulations
26. Viktor PETRENKO - Estimation of indoor temperatures on condition that building envelope is damaged
Thursday, May 28th 2015
Session I
1. Prof.hon.dr.eng. DHC Liviu DUMITRESCU – Heating consumption for renovated multifamilz buildings Study case
2. Prof.em.academ.PhD.eng. Rene MOREAU - Environmental challenges for the 21st century
Session II
3. Prof.PhD.eng. Yves FAUTRELLE - Future nuclear energy development and waste treatment strategy
4. Prof.PhD.eng. Walter BOSSCHAERTS - Therapeutic bath: energy management
Session III
5. PhD.eng. Ioan Silviu DOBOŞI - "Ecole de Trefles" - passive building in Anderlecht Brussles
6. Prof.Ph.D.eng. Xiaodong WANG - Thermal physics research activities in the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
7. Bertrand MOREAU - Energy Efficiency, health and comfort in public buildings
Firday, May 29th 2015
Session V
8. Prof.PhD.eng. Constantin ŢULEANU - The current state and forecasts concerning the energy efficiency of public building in the Republic of Moldova
9. Şerban DANCIU - Tools for increasing energy performance of buildings
10. Eng. Neculai NEGUŢ - Seasonal solar energy storage for individual energy efficient houses heating: The SOLARIS HOUSE
Session VI
11. Thorbjorn GEISER - eGAIN International AB
12. PhD.eng. Horia PETRAN - Qualitive analisys of the national data base of energy performance certificates and optimisation proposal for the energy certification process
13. Eng. Adriana MILANDRU - Promotion of smart and integrated nZEB renovation measures in the European renovation market - NeZeR project
14. Arch. Lavinia GRĂDIŞTEANU - Living materials - a new approach for architecture and design
15. Prof.PhD.eng. Florin IORDACHE - Energy analysis on using a cogeneration system to supply heat to a series of urban
16. Arch. Radu ANDONE - Active envelope
17. EFdEN team - EFDEN 4C - the first research center for comfort conditions in Romania, the first house full certified living building challenge in Europe
18. Eng. Cristina OGESCU - Management system for improving energy consumption in public buildings